The Columbia Star Columbia City Council approved the second reading of three ordinances to strengthen the city’s stance when it comes to extreme protection orders, hate intimidation, and gun-free school zones. “These are natural, bipartisan, unanimous votes on council that has all but one member who is a gun owner,” Mayor Steve Benjamin said. “I’m a former chief of the…
New Republic Once upon a time, there was a regional dream of development. A new group looks to revive that tradition—but this time, with space for everyone. Last week a group of southern mayors published a report, “A roadmap for winning the South,” a document that serves as both a directive for economic growth and a manifesto for the New…
Post and Courier
A new study shows South Carolina’s three major metro areas are among the top 10 moving destinations in the U.S. Read more >>>
Citing Columbia for its diversity efforts, Mayor Steve Benjamin said he’ll work to raise $1 million to promote inclusive local policies across the country during his inauguration Monday as president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. “I believe it is the reason that Columbia is here at this opportunity right now,” Benjamin said during his half-hour remarks at a ceremony…
Mayor Steve Benjamin said Thursday devices that turn semi-automatic weapons into “mass murder machines” should be illegal, and he hopes a ban in South Carolina’s capital city prompts similar moves nationwide. Read more>>